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  • Writer's pictureKeiba Gordon

What being a teen means to me

As a teenager, there are many different challenges in life, moments you'll regret, moments you'll cherish, times when you're fearful, and that moment you realize you have a goal that your life depends on and set out to accomplish it.

The term teenager doesn't refer solely to age and spending time with friends; it means learning to live with the people around you and making the best of your life. It is a field of experiences waiting to be discovered; it's the most significant memories that will be present in your life, the time all your mistakes will impact you, and the time you'll be working out all your problems on your own. Most importantly you will be creating a family with the persons you surround yourselves with, some you will take along with you to the future, some will remain an arms length a part while others will simple not be a part of your life.

We are bound to make mistakes, which is quite okay; it is all a part of the process when transitioning from a teen to an adult; these mistakes are what you learn from, these mistakes are the ones that makes us who we are today.

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